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According to archaeological and textual sources, King Amen was one of the four kings mentioned in the list of kings of Ethiopia 5,000 years ago.

This great king also expanded his empire and ruled over Egypt, and the Egyptians were one of the most important kings in their history.

1, History and List of Kings of the Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo Church

2, the findings of the historian Hoskins, who confirmed that King Amen was Ethiopian by studying the ruins of ancient Meroy.

3, Scenes of battle between King Amen and his army during the conquest of Egypt in the Nubian pyramids.

4, King Amen's descendants return to Ethiopia as our country due to Egypt's mixing with foreigners

5, Harvard University excavation mission information provided by Ethiopians who purchased Egypt

Etc. (Rafatoel).

Ethiopia is one of the oldest countries in the world. In addition to the Geez / Amharic and biblical evidence, the oldest surviving five-million-year-old human remains have been found in the Awash Valley of Ethiopia, which is 3.2 million years older than the skeleton of Lucin (Dinknesh).

The historian of the fifth century BC, King Herod of Egypt, describes ancient Ethiopia in his writings. She is mentioned in the Bible, especially in the Old Testament, where the Queen of Sheba travelled to Jerusalem and raised serious questions for King Solomon. It is the descendants of Queen Saba and King Solomon who have made Ethiopia look what it is today.

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The ruins of Queen Saba's palace are located in the Axum area of ​​northern Ethiopia. Before Ethiopians converted to Christianity, they knew the law of the Torah, so they counted the years and waited for the birth of the Lord, so it was not difficult for them to accept Christianity. However, due to the spread of Islam in the seventh century, Ethiopia remained far removed from European Christianity. Next, due to a Tigrian conspiracy employed in Gondar's palace, Ethiopia went to Got and spent the night isolated from the rest of the world. This is known as the Age of Judges.

The Great King Emperor Libedngle

The invasion of Imam Mohammed took place during the reign of Emperor Lebendengel, who ruled Ethiopia for a long time in Shoa (Menz and Tugulet). Ethiopians have long been embroiled in a long-running conflict that has rocked relations with the Portuguese following the invasion of Imam Mohammad (PBUH) by expelling all foreign missionaries from Ethiopia. This turbulent period not only allowed Ethiopia to turn its attention to foreign Christians and Europeans until the twentieth century, but also to isolate Ethiopia from the rest of the world until the middle of the 19th century.

For 1700 years, Ethiopia has not had a central government. This was the "Age of Judges" and in 1869 Emperor Tewodros mobilized all the princes and united Ethiopia.

From 1881 to 1905, Emperor Menelik II ruled Ethiopia in order to prevent the invasion of European powers in Africa. At the time, Italy was partially colonizing Eritrea and in the mid-1880s it was more of a threat to Ethiopia than any other European country. In 1880, however, Ethiopia became the only country in Africa to defeat foreign powers in the famous                                                             battle of Adwa.


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